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sorak mountain day 1

I recently went on a trip to Sorak Mountain for a two day, one night stay. The first day we decided to go to a fish market by the beach. This beach was about an hour out of the way from where we were staying, but you don’t get to visit the beach very often in Korea. Something I miss about California.

It wasn’t your typical california beach experience. The sky was overcast by dark and heavy clouds, my favorite type of weather for taking photos.
The fish market is a long walkway full of shops, restaurants, and food carts all the way down. In Korea, you can’t be afraid to use a little elbow to get through the crowd, especially somewhere as packed as this fish market.

stuffed squid

you get to choose whatever fish you want and they will cut it up for you into fresh sashimi on the spot

We chose these guys, amongst others. The fish was delicious and super fresh, of course. What was surprisingly good was the squid. Not the stuffed squid, but the raw one, which is not pictured. I thought it would be super chewy and slimy, but it was actually pretty easy to swallow.

The trip to the fish market was definitely a good experience. You don’t get to eat fish straight from the ocean on a normal basis. That’s pretty much all we did the first day. A four hour drive to the hotel, an hour drive to the market, and another hour drive can be exhausting.. and I wasn’t even driving.

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